Writing Resources: A List

This is a living list of all the resources that I use to amp up my writing game.

Craft Books


  • Ellen Brock. I especially liked Ellen’s series on the different types of writers. I found out I was a Methodological Pantser, which helped me better understand my writing process.

  • Shaelin Writes. While a lot writing advice stays in the realm of developmental editing, Shaelin often gives great line-level advice which I find useful when revising my prose.

  • Liselle Sambury. Liselle offers a trove of information for any author embarking on a trad pub journey. Great for writing advice and inside publishing tips.

  • BookEnds Literary Agency. Another amazing resource for all things trad pub. Topics include querying, working with industry professionals, contracts, and more.


  • Publishing Rodeo. A refreshingly honest look at traditional publishing and the factors that make a book succeed (or not).

  • Turning to Story. A great resource for writers hoping to work on their craft.

  • Write or Die. No new episodes sadly, but the old episodes are a great way to learn more about trad pub (especially for BIPOC and marginalized authors).

  • Basic Pitches. Another podcast that is no longer in production, but still a quality resource on writing journeys and all things craft.


  • In Kahoots with Kvita. This is my AMM mentor’s Substack newsletter, so I’m obviously biased. Subscribe for honest and detailed traditional publishing insights.

  • The Visible Life of V.E. Schwab. V.E. Schwab is a talented writer, and each monthly newsletter offers interesting musings on writing craft (+ pics of Schwab’s adorable pets).


How I Got My Literary Agent